Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Arrival in London - back to real life

I have been in London for just over a week now and I am slowly getting on my feet. Although it's all new and exciting, I think that I am coming down off the high of my traveling and it's not letting me give London everything just yet. I've had a couple of moments of home sickness, but I try not to let it get to me too much.

I've managed to meet up with most of my friends that are here, having Valentines dinner with Jess and some of her friends, where the guy at the restaurant must have felt sorry for us as 4 single girls on Valentines day and kept bringing us out food and a free bottle of wine.

I have managed to secure a job, doing accounts payable for a media company that do post production on films and tv programmes in Soho, I am really looking forward to starting that. Especially the earning money part!

The weather hasn't been too bad, with the snow melting away on the second day that I was here. Let's hope that it stays that way.

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