Sunday, January 29, 2012

Thought check 1.

Even though I have had a lot of thoughts written in my travel journal along my adventure, I am now caught up on my blog and feel that I can just write this without telling myself off for letting down any friend that might want to know about my travels. 

I have ten days left in Dubai. At the time I booked my flights it seemed like a date in the far distant future, now it is approaching I am not sure I am ready to go. Planning ladies night, Friday brunch, last minute sight seeing, a salsa lesson, girls night out for Carmen's birthday, plus probably throwing in another Tuesday ladies night, the time is running out very quickly. I think I am going to make myself leave Dubai with a major hangover so it will soften the blow of leaving at all (a theory tried and tested in Hong Kong). 

I am looking forward to getting to Jordan as that is at the top of my wish list of places to see (although that list is growing daily), but after Jordan it is back to real life and getting a job. 
It's very surprising, I have not worked for almost 4 months now, and I am still not bored. I am very content (when not exploring countries of course) with writing blogs, reading by the pool (I have read over 30 books since finishing my job... geek?), playing with my gorgeous cousin Zoe, keeping in touch with loved ones, and hanging with Jess when she visited in Dubai - I don't know how I ever found time to go to work each day? Let alone work a minute over my 40 hour week. 
Ras - the cat I almost gave away. Inquire within if you're interested. P.S. he's not dead, just pretending
I can't ever start to explain how gratifying it has been staying with friends and family on my travels, and the things that you have all shown and given me. It has It has been a great chance to live in Dubai with Aunty Sue and Zoe, watching Zoe grow with such a sparkle in her eye and teaching her to do high-5's. Something I will never forget. Aunty Sue didn't even get mad when I literally tried to give her cat away the other night. On top of that are all of the friends from around the world that I have made. You have all made my trip what it is so far, I couldn't have wished for anything more.

London is looking cold, and I don't think I have packed anything near appropriate to be walking around in single digit temperatures to job interviews. Oh well, let's hope I can impress them on my charm and great tan (and not get hypothermia). 

For some reason in the last week I have been missing the Cook Islands greatly. In saying that though, everyday I am missing my friends and family all over the world (and missing Sydney itself) and thinking back on great times. I guess this is all part of home sickness, and no doubt it will increase while I am in London freezing my butt off and looking for a job. I just have to keep looking at the things that are in front of me and if I don't like them, I know that I can always come back to those that I have left in the first place. 

Thank you all for following my journeys 

Stace xx

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