Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Stace vs. Running

It's been a while since my last post, and a lot has happened in that time. Lots of traveling and adventures , that came to an end when my visa expired. Now I'm back living in Sydney.

I thought it would be time to get the blog going again  as I train for a half marathon.

Have I ever mentioned that I hate running?

I've been doing F45 training to get my fitness up (which is amazing!) but with 20 weeks to go I thought it was time to start clocking up the k's.

My other half (the very active, running half) has drawn up a training schedule that I will try and stick to, but it's not going to be easy.

Tonight was 2km's on the treadmill, which was completed in 14.5 minutes. Not amazing. But a start. Matt keeps spouting off advice, but my the main answer I wanted tonight was what the hell do you think about as you run. It's going to take a while to get past "I hate this" "is it over yet" "how has it only been 10 seconds since I last looked" "I hate this".

Let's hope this gets easier.